
The Last Single Girle

 The Last Single Girl

One month.

That’s all Sarah has to find a New Year’s Eve date or earn the honor of being the last single girl in her inner circle. Actually, in all her circles. So with four weeks to find Mr. Right and a frienemy already counting her out, Sarah joins hoping that – just like the perfect purse – the internet can help her find the perfect man. 

The problem is, love isn’t always where you think you’ll find it and Mr. Right may not be the one with the shiniest profile.

Page Count: This novella is 23k words, or by NY standards 92 pages. 

 THE LAST SINGLE GIRL is available on Amazon US
You can check it out on Goodreads.
Read the first scene HERE.



It’s in His Kiss

Jenna’s been letting life pass her by as she works on her career. But, when she needs to do some research of this kissing kind, things may get a little more heated than she expected.
Research has never been so fun.

WARNING: This 11k novella has no vampires, shape shifter or scorching sex, but it might make you snort your diet Coke out your nose.

KISS is available on Amazon US or Amazon UK
You can check it out on Goodreads
Read the first scene HERE

2 Responses to “Books”

  1. Corinne Regan Bridges September 22, 2012 at 2:56 pm #

    This was a great story of a “diamond in the ruff”!! Jenna does outshine Lisbeth ten fold!! Wish there were more to the story… was really good & funny too!!

    • Caitie Quinn September 22, 2012 at 5:29 pm #

      Oh thanks! I needed that encouragement as I’m working on 3 follow-ups at once. Jenna will show up in all of them but every time I open one I feel like I’m cheating on the other two!!!

      Thanks for the kind words.
      🙂 Caitie

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